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Smart !!!

Teman-teman selamat datang di blogg ku... Semoga bermanfaat... :)

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


Semua foto ini akan menjadi kenang-kenangan buat saya, mereka adalah orang yang paling spesial dalam hidup saya, kadang marah, jengkel, emosian, tapi kita tuuh akrab lohhh... tak bisa dilawan !!!! :)
Dalam foto ini :
^'Jeniar Nelsus Mooy' sapa sajja 'Jeniar' atau lebih akrab 'Niarr'.. panggilan Kimia-nya Na (Natrium ) :D
wanita yang satu inii hobbyx tertawa,, eiiittsss!!! jangan salah,, Juru bicara kitaa lohhh.... :D ;)

^'Maria Christine Tefa' panggilan cantiknya Mery :D singkat saja Matef.. dan nama Kimia-nya Cr (bukan christiano ronaldo... ihihihihiihihii.... xD) tapii.......... 'Khrom'... kerennn kann...???!! :p

^ 'Nophieeta Hermanus' acii kelas kami,,yang hobby patennya >>BACA KOMIK<< berjuuutaa coyy koleksi komiknya :D (peace !! V ) langsung panggil saja Novita,, bisa juuga Nopii,, klw mau boleh panggil Nohe... hahaha,, kebanyakan... :p dan nama Kimia-nya N (Nitrogen) :D

^sii adikk manis kitaa.. 'Secundina Segunda Candida' (bukan nama samaran, bukan nama rekayasa, bukan nama gaull-gaul-Nama asli :) hehehe ) kalian panggil saja Candida,, kalau disingkat Seseca juga bolehh... ^^,, dan nama Kimia-nya Sc (scandium) :D

^cewek satu ini mempunyai ciri tersendiri, yaituu wanita berkacamata :D tapii cantiik lohh... 'Yosephine Murwanisiwi Riatoby' sapa saja Yosi,, gaulnya Yori... xixixixixixii... :D,, trus nama Kimia-nya Y (litrium) :D

^ dan yang terakhir adalah saya sendiri 'Maria Magdalena Ano Djoka' panggilan saya Marlyn,, singkatnya siihh Mamajo... (kayak pendekar dii film" kartun getooo... :D),, saya jugaa hobyy sangat baca Novel,, kadang siihh.. xD ,, dan tak lupa,, nama Kimia saya adalah Mg (magnesium) :D wkwkwkwk

sekian dulu yaa mengenai cewekk-cewek cantiikk ini.... byyee.... ;)
makasii dah baca,,
I'm soo sorry klw agakk lebay getoo.. cz ituu lah saya... ;)

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

Contoh kata mutiara dalam bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya

:: Kata-Kata Mutiara dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya ::

1. A thing you don’t want is dear any price
Barang yang tidak membuatmu tertarik selalu terasa mahal

2. A good neighbor is worth more than a far friend
Tetangga yang baik lebih berharga daripada teman yang jauh

3. A good book is great friend
Buku yang bermanfaat merupakan teman yang berarti

4. A new broom sweeps clean
Sapu yang baru pasti akan mampu membersihkan

5. A bird in the hand is worth two in in the bush
Seekor burung di tangan lebih berharga dari pada dua ekor burung

6. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket
Buku itu laksana kebun yang dapat dibawa-bawa dalam kantong

7. A man becomes learned by asking questions
Dengan bertanya, orang akan lebih berpengetahuan

8. A good beginning is half battle
Setengah pertempuran adalah permulaan yang baik

9. A rolling stone gathers no moss
Lumut tak akan berkumpul pada batu yang menggelinding

10.        A man can only once
Orang hanya bisa mati satu kali saja

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Teks Drama "Budaya Daerah"

Narator : Pada suatu hari ada 2 orang mahasiswa yang pergi merantau ke Kupang. Mereka adalah remaja-remaja yang berasal dari Jakarta. Kedua mahasiswa itu adalah Marlyn dan Rista. Disana mereka sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan kos-kosan. Dan akhirnya mereka menemukan salah satu kos terbaik menurut mereka.
Juni         : Eh, Marlin !!! Ini ya kos-kosannya???
May        : Ih….kotor banget sich!!!alergi gue,,,nggak ada yang lebih bagus apa????
juni         : Udah deh,,,yang penting ada…tapi bener kan ini kosnya???
May        : Ia,kalau dari alamat ini,,,ya…memang begitu!!!
Juni         : OK!!! Kalau begitu langsung aja yuk kita tanyakan pada tuannya !!!
Juni         : Selamat pagi Pak, apa benar ini jalan kemayu,dan ini kos-kosan                                              TIMOR COMMUNITY” ???
Beni        : Ia, benar!! Anda mau kos disini??
May        : Ya iyalah…masa’ ya iya donk!!!
Roki        : Ayo silakan masuk, akan saya tunjukkan kamar kalian.
 May       : Yuk!!!…tapi bersih nggak pak???
Beni        : Ya,lumayan…kan masih bisa dibersihkan sendiri.!!.Nah…ini kamar kalian!! Lumayan untuk anak perantau!!!
May        : APA?????Sekecil ini!!!OMG please deh,,,ah…Eh jangan salah ya Pak!! Gini-gini,,,orang tua saya pejabat!!Nggak sama kayak bapak!!Pengangguran yang kerjanya cuman jagain kos-kosan doaNk!!!
Juni         : Iya, nEh!! Sewot aja si Bapak!!!
Beni        : Inilah keadaan kami, semoga anak suka!!
May & Juni    : Nggak mung-kin!!!!!
Narator : Di kos “TIMOR COMMUNITY” ini, setiap anak kos biasanya dibagikan jagung bose sebagai makanan daerah. Suatu hari, Marlyn dan Rizta, mendapat jatah jagung bose mereka! Semua anak kos,pada saat makan bersama duduk berkumpul di ruang makan.
May        : Hah!!!???!!!makan jagung?!?!?!Nggak salah nih????
Juni         : Ia, kampungan amat nih kos-kosan!!!makan aja jagung bose,,,
Aulia       : Eh,kalian berdua sombong amat sich!!!masa’ makanan daerah dibilang kampungan?????
May        : Eh!!!urusan kita kALe!!!,,,
Juni         : Ia nih!!ReSe’ aja loh!!!
Narator : Tiba-tiba Kevin ( bapak pemilik kos-kosan) muncul
Beni        : Eh,,kalian nih, kenapa sih???
Aulia       : Ini Pak! Mereka berdua sombong sekali!!Masa’ jagung bose dibilang makanan kampungan???
Beni        : Marlyn!!Rista!! kalian kok begitu sih!!! Harusnya kalian bangga akan makanan tradisional donk!!!
Aulia       : Ia!!!dasar!!tidak menghargai budaya sendiri!
Juni         : Ya sudah!! Kami minta maaf ya!!
May        : Ia!kami minta maaf!
Beni        : Ya sudah!!lain kali jangan ulangi lagi yA !!
Aulia       : Dengar tuh!!!
May        : Iya deh!!!loe diam aja disitu!!! (sambil menjulurkan lidahnya)
Aulia       : E’eh….dibilangin kok!!!
Nah, Teman-teman…sekian cerita saya…Nilai moral yang dapat kita ambil adalah kita tidak boleh sombong dan juga kita harus bisa menghargai budaya kita sendiri. Karena kalau tidak kita sendiri yang menghargai budaya kita,,Siapa lagi????? J

May                 as         Perantau (mahasiswa)/anak kos baru                        (sombong)
Juni                  as         Perantau (mahasiswa)/anak kos baru                        (sombong)
Aulia                as         Perantau / anak kos lama                                           (baik)
Beni                 as         Tuan kos                                                                      (sabar)

Contoh drama dalam Bahasa Inggris

“ A Poor And A Rich Man ”

Ø Members ::
1.  Richard
2.  Tomas
3.  Tony
4.  Carolyn
5.  Maya
6.  Meisyah


Narrator  : In a village there is live a poor family such as father, mother and a child.

Narrator  : Thomas came from garden.

Maya      : Dad, what about our garden stuff, it’s sold out?

Thomas   : There are no one sold out even just 1.

Maya      : What about our future?

Tony       : yes father. What will we eat?

Thomas   : I don’t know , what should I do?

Maya      : Yesterday we don’t eat all day long. What about today?

Tony       : Mom, I’m hungry.

Maya      : Be patient Tony, we don’t have anything now.

Thomas   : Sorry, I can’t do anything.

Maya      : Let it gone. What about our live now? Are we gonna stay like this? Died because not eat?

Narrator  : Just a moment all of them thinking to find a way out!

Thomas   : What about we find a job in the city?

Maya      : Nice idea. But , when?

Thomas   : We go tomorrow.

Tony       : Hooray, we will go to the city.

Narrator  : The next day, they go to the city by the car that drive something to the city.

Narrator  : After they arrived on the city.

Tony       : Wow, the house in here are big and nice.

 Maya     : Right. It’s like a kingdom.

Tony       : It is different with our house.

Thomas   : Let it gone. Now we take some rest and then start find a job.

Narrator  : The next day, when they find a job there is a brochure in a big house number 1.




Tony       : Mom, dad, look at this !!

Maya      : Thank God, what about we try to get the job?

Narrator  : Thomas knock the door. Then come out the owne of the house.

Maya      : Good morning mom, sorry for disturb.

Carolyn    : Of course you disturb us. What’s the matter?

Maya      : We came here because we read the brochure.

Carolyn    : Hmmm…poor people. Where you come from? You make my house dirty! Now leave! Be gone!.

Thomas   : But mom, we need the job.

Narrator  : Richard and Meisyah came out.

Richard   : Who are they? A dirty and poor people that make pollution of fresh air around here! What do you want? Money, food, or donation?

Meisyah   : Hahahahahaha….so poor. Don’t have money? (with take some money and throw it to the face) here!! Not enough!?

Carolyn    : Get out from here!! Don’t come back. Security take them out.

Tony       : No need to call the security. We have feet and we will go from here.

Maya      : (With crying, grab Carolyn hand) Please mom, sir. We need this job. We not eat. Please help us.

Carolyn    : Hey!!!! Don’t touch my hand. You don’t understand I told you to leave!!!

Thomas   : Come on, we get out from here.

Richard   : Poor people like that can’t do anything. They don’t shy.

Carolyn    : But, we can use them give the job, but we don’t pay them.

Meisyah   : That’s right. Beside we need them.

Carolyn    : Call them before they too far.

Narrator  : Meisyah call them.

Meisyah   : Hey poor! You want your job or not?

Maya      : Thomas, they call us. We go there.

Tony       : But, they too bad.

Maya      : It’s okay. The important thing is we can life.

Thomas   : Alright, we go back.

Maya      : Mom, can we work in here?

Richard   : Okay you can work in here. Start tomorrow and you can stay here.

Maya      : Are you sure sir? Thank you so much.

Richard   : Okay. No more talking. Now you all of you go back to your house and tomorrow come back with a clean clothes, because we don’t like a dirty people.

Meisyah   : Now leave before your smell stay here. Tomorrow come with perfume!!!! Hahahahahahahahahah………

Narrator  : Then they back to their home. Happy because get the job. Sad because Richard and his family attitude.

Tony       : I’m afraid they will torch us.

Maya      : No. they act like that because we are poor.

Tony       : But mom, ...

Maya      : Let it gone. If we work with good, they will good with us.

Thomas   : Correct. We accept this job.

Narrator  : The next day, they ready with clean.

Narrator  : They arrived in the number 1 house.

Thomas   : Good morning. (with knock hard the door).

Meisyah   : (get out from house) hey!!!! You don’t see!!! There is a bell there.
Carolyn    : What happen????
Meisyah   : This village people knock hard the door.

Maya      : Sorry mom.

Carolyn    : Hmmm…you don’t see the bell??? Use your eyes (pushing Thomas) if our door is broke, you can pay it???

Richard   : What happen here? You guys make problem again? You guys don’t work but still make problem.

Carolyn    : This expensive door almost broke!!

Richard   : How dare you. Want to pay with what? This door is more expensive than you three.

Meisyah   : It’s so expensive. We buy it on France. You guys don’t know.

Maya      : Sorry mom and sir, we don’t repeat it anymore.

Richard   : Let it gone. Now start your job, don’t broke our furritone.

Thomas   : Okay sir, we understand.

Narrator  : Then, they go inside and keep their stuff and start working.

Carolyn    : Hey you, what’s your name?

Maya      : My name is Maya mom.

Carolyn    : What?? Mom?? From now you must call me Miss Carolyn, my husband Mr. Richard and my daughter Miss Meisyah. Do you understand?

Maya      : Okay Miss Carolyn, I will tell my husband and my son.

Carolyn    : Good. Now continue your job.

Narrator  : They continue their job with fast and carefully.

Meisyah   : Mayaaaa……………!!! (scream loudly)

Maya      : (with running) yes Miss Meisyah?

Meisyah   : (pick up 1 dress) here wash it!

Maya      : Okay Miss Meiyah.

Maisyah   : Oh yeah, this afternoon that dress must dry, because tonight I will go to party with that dress.

Maya      : But Miss Meisyah, that’s impossible this dress cannot dry this afternoon. Because this….. (cuted the conversation)

Meisyah   : (cut the conversation) you just work here no argument. Beside you have brain.

Maya      : But this dress……..

Meisyah   : No way!! This afternoon must dry, no matter what you do.

Narrator  : Because angry with Maya attitude, Meisyah thinking how to make Maya got mad from her mother and father. She found a idea to hide her parents Jewelry and then blame it on family.

Narrator  : Tony clean Meisyah parents room.

Meisyah   : Nice, my plan is perfect. I have evidence that they stole the jewelry.

Narrator  : In the night Meisyah and her parents prepare to go party.

Carolyn    : Richard, did you see my necklace and my ring?

Richard   : I don’t know. Where did you put it?

Carolyn    : In this cupboard, but now it’s gone.

Richard   : I think there are someone that stole it.

Carolyn    : Meeiiissyyaahh….!! Did you see my jewelry?

Meisyah   : I don’t know. I’m not enter this room since this morning.

Richard   : It should be Maya and her family. This is they first day and they stole Carolyn jewelry. They come here just for eat and stole. How dare they!!!

Meisyah   : Maya come here take your family too.

Carolyn    : Between all of you who stole enter my room and clean it?

Tony       : It’s me Miss Carolyn.

Carolyn    : Oh..you. Village kids. How dare you stole my jewelry (with snap)

Maya      : What happen Miss, sir?

Richard   : Teach your son to be polite. Don’t like this. We can fired all of you.

Thomas   : Sorry sir, but we don’t know about the jewelry.

Meisyah   : Hahahahaha….don’t know? Your son is stole our jewelry.

Maya      : Is that right Tony? I told you to don’t take anything that don’t belong to us.

Tony       : Mom, I don’t stole it.

Carolyn    : Then, how the jewelry can disappeared? There are no one else enter this room. Just you!!!

Richard   : A thief will not honest!! Lets find in their house. They must be hide in their room.

Narrator  : When they find…..

Meisyah   : Mom, dad, look!! What I found?? ( with pick up the jewelry) I told you they are the thief.

Carolyn    : How dare you! (snap all of them)

Richard   : It’s not full one day you work, you still our jewelry what about a year. We can just like you, became poor.

Meisyah   : That’s right dad, they don’t have any sense of shy.

Tony       : but, I don’t steal it.

Carolyn    : Enough!!! All of you get out from here. You fired.

Tony       : Sorry sir, but, I swear I don’t steal it.

Meisyah   : A thief will not be honest. If not you, who stole it demon?

Richard   : Now all of you leave this house. Call the police and busted them.

Maya      : But sir, we are not guilty.

Richard   : No it’s prove that you stole it.

Carolyn    : Call the police!!!

 Meisyah   : Alright..(calling the police).

Narrator  : Then, they busted by the police.